The foundations of education were usually the compulsory subjects for all pre-service teachers or any bachelor's degree students pursuing an education degree. In this article, Childucare will share information on the foundations of education, including its definition, types, and purposes. May your reading be filled with joy and meaningfulness!
Definition of Foundations of Education
The Foundations of Education are formed by two terms: foundation and education. The foundation can be interpreted as the basis, reference, or starting point. It can be physical and or conceptual. Physical foundations include aeroplane runways, train rails, and building foundations. The conceptual foundation includes the constitutions, principles, and foundations of education.
How do we make a difference? Physical foundations are bonded with their physical forms, while conceptual foundations are not. The function of aeroplane runaways will change when their shape changes, like a picture of aeroplane runaways. However, the function of conceptual foundations remains the same in various forms. It can be printed or not printed and can even be shared only through conversation.
So, what are the foundations of education? The foundation of education is defined as the foundation or starting point of concepts, principles, or theories used in education [2]. The foundations of education refer to an understanding of educational studies holistically from several disciplines and fields of study [1]. It not only looks at education from one area of science but is also interdisciplinary or integrated with various fields of science.
Type of Foundations of Education
The foundations of education are related to various fields of science used as the basis or foundation for discussing educational phenomena, including philosophy, psychology, sociology and anthropology, history, and juridical. Hence, there are several foundations of education, among others: the philosophical foundation of education, the psychological foundation of education, the sociological and anthropological foundation of education, the historical foundation of education, and the juridical foundation of education [2].
Each type of foundation of education has a different focus of study, according to the field of science. However, all these foundations of education contribute to the study and practice of education.
The Purposes of Learning About Foundations of Education
It stated that the foundations of education benefit educators, future educators, policymakers, and even the public. However, Childucare will specifically focus on studying the foundations of education for teachers or future teachers, namely those pursuing teacher education programs.
So, what are the purposes? It can help teachers to understand various educational concepts, principles, and theories. Like any field of science, education has many concepts, principles, and theories. Teachers are expected to understand those theories and implement them appropriately later. However, it is not mindlessly implementing the theories but critically assessing first and then deciding the proper one to be implemented and developed.
Further, learning the foundations of education will contribute to teachers' mindsets and work patterns on how to carry out educational studies and practices. Last, it will boost their confidence in and appreciate the concepts, principles, and theories of education.
The foundations of education are undoubtedly crucial to the study and practice of education. All parties involved or interested in education are encouraged to study the foundations of education as a guide to educational practice. In addition, it also becomes the basis for analyzing issues regarding education.
- [1] Council for Social Foundations of Education. (-). Standard I: Defining Foundations of Education. Web Site of The University of New Mexico. Source:,political%20science%2C%20economics%2C%20psychology%2C
- [2] Kesuma, D. & Somarya, D. (2017). Landasan Pendidikan. Chapter I, Book “Landasan Pendidikan”. Bandung: UPI Press.